Saturday, July 20, 2013

Six Months to Think (that can hurt the head)…

- By David

The summer has come to Portugal.  Life has slowed.  People have dispersed for vacations and beaches.  In the absence of the hustle I have time to reflect on the first six months I have spent in Portugal.  The reflection has positive thoughts and areas that need improvement.

The Good Thoughts… Smile

I had the unique experience of learning a new language.  This past week I even spent over and hour talking to a café owner regarding the Bible.  The entire conversation was in Portuguese! Imagine trying to explain to someone the concept of how the Old Testament being connected to the New Testament is a simple idea (Jesus); all in a language that you started learning six months ago. Good times my friends, good times.

I have been able to pour into a group of amazing guys.  Working with the Portuguese in football has been a blast.  Through these particular relationships I have been able to tell some stories from the Bible.  I love being able to share the wisdom and truth of the God’s Word.  I have been able to teach old and young guys a wonderful game and play it with them.  It is special to see how guys develop over a period of time.  The Lord is blessing with my current team.  He is opening doors into new communities and new people.  It is an exciting time.

Improvement Areas Annoyed

While ministry with football is great, I have been struggling to find avenues into other parts of the culture.  I tried to volunteer at a local school, but the director said I need to bVila Destee employed by the city to help… one door closed.  I have started to go around to local cafés and read my Bible in Portuguese and English.  I am hoping someone could help me with the Portuguese language by reading the Bible to me. Brainstorming for any method to start Bible studies has commenced.  Feel free to FB me with suggestions.  I think the Lord is teaching me that wonderful word, perseverance.

There is one community I am trying in particular to start a Bible study, Vila D’este (see the picture). Look at all those people Sarcastic smile


Prayer Requests

  • Ask the Lord for Bible Studies to start in my surrounding communities. I am dreaming big.  I want several Bible study groups to start, but it is way bigger than me.  I need prayers for the Lord to do this BIG thing.
  • Ask the Lord for a productive attitude from Daniele and me.  We don’t want to slow down with the summer.  We want to continue the work the Lord as laid before us.

Final Thought

Lucas 18:9-14… Jesus propôs mais outra parábola para alguns que se julgavam pessoas muito justas e desprezavam os outros: “ Dois homens foram ao templo para orar.  Um deles era fariseu e o outro cobrador de impostos.  O fariseu, altivo, orava assim: “Ó Deus, agradeço-te porque não sou como os outros, que são ladrões, injustos e adúlteros, nem como este cobrador de impostos que ali ésta.  Jejuo duas vezes na semana e dou a décima parte de tudo o que ganho.” Mas o cobrado de impostos ficou à distância e nem sequer se atrevia a levantar os olhos para o céu; apensas batia com a mão no peito e dizia: “Ó meu Deus, tem compaixão de mim, que sou pecador!” E Jesus concluiu: Afirmo-vos que o cobrador de imposotos foi para sua casa justificado aos olhos de Deus, ao contrário do fariseu.  Pois todo aquele que se engrandece será humilahado e todo o que se humilha será engrandecido. 

The Parable reminds me of my role with people.  A Pharisee is not special because he acts religious, and I am not special because I came to Portugal.  I am a sinner saved by Jesus, and I still need the grace of God for this work.  That is why I ask for your prayers, because Danielle and I are not going to accomplish anything of value without prayer support.

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